Whilst they can often be the most challenging; Schools, Daycares and Aged-Care centres bring the most satisfaction to our cleaning crews. This is where our joy and passion of protecting others really shines.
Each important location has its own detailed scope of works and specific set of requirements, however the same level of disinfection, safety compliance and standards of care are upheld throughout each and every centre.
All Clean Feeling team members are trained in following hygienic cleaning systems using
medical-grade products and test-tagged equipment. Following 3 simple but key steps, our team protect these at-risk environments
from the spread of disease whilst keeping them looking and feeling clean and beautiful.
Effective infection prevention and control is central to providing a safe environment for those that work in and visit your setting. Using 2-in-1 detergents and disinfectants, our cleaning team are able to remove germs and bacteria from common surfaces and high-touch points.
The right chemicals are only one part of the equation. Correct equipment and cleaner technique are just as important. We use colour coded micro-fibre cloth and mop-head systems, professional back-pack vacuums with certified HEPA filters as just some of the ways to prevent the spread of bacteria.
The quality of cleaning is one aspect of your cleaning service but there are many more considerations. All Cleaning Technicians that work within our School, Daycare and Aged-Care settings hold Blue Cards and White Cards alongside their annually updated Police Clearance Certificates.